Let there be peace on Earth.. and let us all recognize the importance of Earth day every day... On this day, Earth day, my 1st graders and I talked about the origins of Earth day, and all of the things on our beautiful planet that need protection. We talked about what people can do to help keep our planet clean and protect all the creatures that live here. Then we created these pictures (I was inspired by a posting on artsonia) to celebrate our earth and serve as a reminder that the future of our planet is in our hands.

First, trace a large circle on a square piece of black paper. Then trace your hand 4 time on the sides of the paper. Draw in some continent shapes (also a good time to discuss what a continent is, because 2nd graders don't really know) My first class used oil pastels, which gave nice results, but then my second class got out their crayola twistables and I have to say, these worked even better and didn't get all over the kids hands. Regardless, the results are beautiful.

Happy Earth Day!
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