I decided to go back to my roots and teach a lesson using a children's picture book as a starting point. Children's picture books offer a wealth of great imagery. They also help to spark the imagination of young minds. Hot air balloons are exciting for young children (and adults as well!) plus they offer the opportunity for kids to learn about shapes. I read the book
Hot Air: the (mostly) true story of the first hot-air balloon ride by Marjorie Priceman, which won the Caldacott award for illustrations. It is appropriate for the very young and there are many lessons which could be developed from it. See the pictures below of my kindergartener's awesome hot air balloons that they made!
Students had to trace a circle template and draw a rectangle free hand. They then colored in their hot air balloons however they wished with markers. After this they cut out the circle and retangle. I had pre-cut a strips of colored paper (about 1/2" x 5") which I then helped the students tape to the back of their shapes as the ropes. It was a one day quickie project that the kinders loved!
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